health & the built environment



Jill L Grant. 2011. Storytelling, group dynamics, and professional cultures: lessons from a focus group study. Planning Theory and Practice 12(3): 407-425.

Jill L Grant and Patricia M Manuel. 2011. Policy-maker perspectives on youth health and the built environment: focus groups with Atlantic Canada planners. Planning Practice and Research 26(1): 43-57

Jill L Grant, Patricia M Manuel, Kathryn MacKay, and Tara-Leigh McHugh. 2010. Barriers to optimizing investments in the built environment to reduce youth obesity: policy maker perspectives. Canadian Journal of Public Health 101(3): 237-240.

Andrew Curran, Jill Grant, Mary Ellen Wood. 2006. Indicators for community action: built environment and community health. Journal of Rural and Community Development 2(1): 59-74  Available online at