research in the history of planning

student research

Sarah Dubé. 2014. The Master Plan for the City of Halifax, 1945: Its origin and impact (pdf 2.1 MB)

David N. Verbeek. 2012. Slum Clearance and Urban Renewal: A demographic and spatial analysis of changes in Downtown Halifax (pdf 13.3 MB) (For optimal display, open with Adobe Acrobat and select "View > Page Display > Two-up Continuous")

James Haney. 2010. Nova Scotia's 1912 Town Planning Act: An analysis of its origins and proponents (pdf 2.2 MB)

Marcus Paterson 2009. Slum clearance in Halifax: The role of Gordon Stephenson (pdf 12 MB)

Sean Gillis. 2007. Halifax's streetcars: Connections between transportation and urban form (pdf 6.3 MB)